Mason Community Arts Academy

Registration Tips & FAQs

We’ve put together a list of the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer for your question here, please email [email protected] or call us at 703-993-9889.

General · Registration · Pickup & Dropoff Procedures
Curriculum · Registration Tips


Should my child bring a lunch?

Campers should bring a lunch and two snacks (and beverages) to enjoy each day. They will keep their lunches and personal belongings with them throughout the day, and refrigeration will not be available. Siblings should have their meals packed separately as they may not be in the same location for breaks. At lunch, students will sit with their class cohort while maintaining physical distancing. Due to a high volume of severe food allergies among our campers, please avoid snacks/food containing nut products.

What if my child is sick?

Please use good judgment about bringing your student to our summer programs. If your student is sick or showing symptoms of illness, please keep them home. Students who become ill during the day will be guided to an isolated space supervised by an Academy staff member until the parents/guardians arrive to pick them up. As a reminder, students and staff are required to complete a daily health screening and will not be admitted without University approval.

Will my child be safe on the George Mason campus?

Students are supervised carefully at all times while on campus by their acting teachers, as well as other faculty and staff members. In the unlikely event of any emergency the GMU Police Department is only a few buildings away.


My child won’t be 5 until this fall. Can they still attend camp? 

Periodically children slightly younger than 5, with summer/early fall birthdays, are admitted to the program. Please contact the AFYP staff at [email protected] to discuss details about your child to determine if starting this summer is a good fit.

My child wants to attend with a friend. How can I arrange for that? 

During the registration process you will have an opportunity to complete the “please group with” section. Students wishing to be grouped together should be close in age; it is not advisable to place children with widely differing ages in the same group.

Is each camp session a repeat of the last? What are the benefits of attending more than one week? 

We cover the same basic skills each week as a foundation of our training program. Just as a musician perfects their art by performing the same exercises daily, some repetition of warm-ups, exercises, and theater games is necessary for actors to reinforce important components of acting, voice, and movement.

However, each week has its own theme, so activities are carefully planned to tie in to that theme and provide variety for multi-week and returning campers. While each week provides a standalone, complete learning experience for our students, many of them gain mastery of these skills by having a longer time to work on them.

If my child wants to attend another session of camp, how can I arrange for that? 

You are welcome to register for additional weeks of camp, pending space availability. Please check with our staff regarding openings, and you are welcome to use the online registration system.

Our schedule has changed and I need to switch my child’s camp week. How do I arrange for that? 

Notify the AFYP staff right away if you need to change dates. We will do our best to accommodate your request providing space is available.

What happens if I have to cancel a camp session? 

Cancellations must be requested in writing. Up to 2 weeks prior to the start of a camp session, refunds are granted less a $50 processing fee. Within two weeks of the start of the session, no refund will be granted without valid medical documentation. After the start of a camp session, prorated refunds less the $50 processing fee are granted only with valid medical documentation.

Is there any other paperwork required besides the questions answered during registration? 

The answers provided to the registration questions online are all we need. Please call us if you need to change or add any information about your child.

My child’s camp tuition is a reimbursable expense. Where can I find your Tax ID Number? How can I get verification of attendance to submit to my employer? 

George Mason University’s Tax ID Number is 54-0836354 (applicable to AFYP’s Mason Community Arts Academy programs). If you need a form signed, please email staff ([email protected]) prior to the end of your camp week and arrange to have your paperwork signed and returned via email. If you’d like a receipt emailed to you, please request in writing and allow processing time.

Pickup & Dropoff Procedures

Where do I drop off my child? Is there a street address? 

Parent/Guardians will park at Mason Pond Parking Deck and will walk students to our check-in station, located at the DeLaski lobby and plaza (See Map). Details will be included in our Welcome email, prior to the start of your program. Please use the directions we provide for reference.

Should I walk my young child in on the first day? 

Parents/guardians of all students must park at the Mason Pond Parking Deck for 30 minutes free of charge (fees apply after 30 minutes) and walk your child to check-in at the DeLaski lobby each day. Students ages 15+ who bring a Self-Transport waiver will be allow to check in themselves without a parent/guardian. AFYP staff members will be stationed at various points to help guide you to your check-in point. Additional details will be included in our Welcome email.

How do I arrange for late arrival? 

If you are running late, please call us at 703-554-4931 and we will send a staff member out to meet you in front of the Center for the Arts Concert Hall and escort your child to their group’s current location.

Can I stay with my child during the camp day? 

Parents are not permitted to enter the building unless prior arrangements have been made to accommodate special circumstances.

My child has to leave early one day of the camp week. How do I arrange for that? 

Please notify us by email ahead of time ([email protected]), and send a reminder note at check-in if your child must leave early one day of the camp week. Staff and teaching team will be notified of departure time, and we will accompany your child to the front of the Center for the Arts Concert Hall to meet you.

I need care for my child after 4:00 pm. Is there aftercare available?

Aftercare is not offered.  All students need to be picked up promptly at the end of the day.  Late fees will be charged for pick-ups made more than 15 minutes after the end of the program.


Does my child need prior experience? 

Students with all levels of experience enjoy our program, from newcomers to young professionals. While some students may have had prior training and/or performance experience, we also train new students who have an interest in theater and want to give it a try in a fun, nurturing environment. Our teachers determine each student’s needs and do their best to reach them at their current skill level.

What will my child be doing all day? 

Please see the Summer Acting Camp Daily Schedule for an overview of our daily activities. After check-in each morning, each age group starts their day with an acting class and then will work on other skills throughout the day. There will be two meal breaks each day. Campers must provide their own non-refrigerated, nut-free snacks or lunch.

How are age groups broken down? How large are the groups? 

Students are broken into five groups: ages 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13+. If a child is on the borderline of an age range (for example, age 8 but turning 9 in the fall) we recommend placing them with the next group up unless parents would prefer to keep them with students their exact age and slightly younger.

How do electives work? 

Electives are worked into our regular acting curriculum, part of our regular camp day, specifically designed to supplement in specialized areas of theater training.

Who are the teachers and counselors? 

Our talented teaching artists and staff are carefully vetted with background checks. Our key faculty consists of professional performers/educators, and our assistant teachers are students from area colleges who are pursuing careers in theater and theater education. We also have an intern/junior counselor program for high school students (many of whom have graduated from our program).

How do you handle children with specific medication needs? 

Please notify us in advance if your child has any health issues we should be aware of before registering. We will confirm with you that we are able to accommodate your needs.

Do you work with children who have learning disabilities? 

Please notify us in advance if your child has any learning disabilities or special needs we should be aware of. AFYP strives to makes its programming available to everyone, including students with physical, developmental or cognitive disabilities.

Please contact our AFYP Staff at [email protected] or 703-554-4931 if you have questions and/or to determine that this is the right camp for your child(ren). If our staff is unable to support your student’s needs, we may recommend that a student discontinue the camp program, and a pro-rated refund will be granted.

Registration Tips

To Register for Multiple Sessions/Programs:
Choose the first program you’d like and add to Shopping Cart. Before clicking the green “All Done! Proceed to Checkout” button, please click “Add Program” at the bottom of the page. From there, you can search for additional programs for the current participant and register for them.  Click the “All Done! Proceed to Checkout” button and submit final payment.  All applicable discounts will be reflected on the final payment page.

To Register Siblings:
When registering more than one child for a program, start with the first child and add the program(s) you’d like to your cart as noted above. To add additional participants, please click “Add Participant” in the Shopping Cart and choose program(s).  Click the “All Done! Proceed to Checkout” button and submit final payment.  All applicable discounts will be reflected on the final payment page.

To Register for After Care/Extended Day:
Before clicking the green “All Done! Proceed to Checkout!” button, please click “Add Program” at the bottom of the page. From there you can search “after care/extended day” and add the extended day program for the appropriate week.