Mason Community Arts Academy

Music Competition

Students at 2017 Music Competition Recital

Biennial Spring Music Competition

Ages 5 – Adult (Amateur)

The Academy hosts a Biennial Music Competition open to Academy students, students in the community from other schools and studios, and amateur adult performers. Our next competition will be in 2025. You can view information about our previous competition below:

5th Biennial Competition

The Academy is excited to announce our 5th Biennial Spring Music Competition! This competition is open to Academy students, students in the community from other schools and studios, and amateur adult performers!

All Competition Participants Will Receive:
• Individual feedback from select Mason Dewberry School of Music Professors
• Valuable audition experience

Select high-performing students will also receive the chance to perform in the Competition Honors Recital on Sunday, March 19, 2023, in the newly renovated Harris Theater on the Fairfax Campus of George Mason University!

Net competition proceeds will go toward funding MCAA Scholarships and Outreach Programs.

Application Deadline: Thursday, December 15, 2022

Audition Submission Deadline: Friday, January 20, 2023

Competition Requirements

  • Participants may perform 1 piece totaling no more than 7 minutes.
  • Memorization of the piece is encouraged, but not required.
  • Participants will submit 1 video recording of an unedited performance as an Unlisted YouTube link. Submission instructions will be communicated via email after MCAA receives your application.
  • Video recordings must be well lit and show the performer’s entire body and instruments. Music stands should not block the view of the performer.
  • Video recordings must be performed in one take and must not be edited. Edited videos will lead to disqualification.
  • Pieces with written accompaniment must be accompanied by a live pianist in the video or performed alongside a recorded accompaniment track. Performers must provide their own collaborative pianist for both the recording and the Honors Recital, if selected to perform.
  • Participants must also submit a pdf of their full score (including piano accompaniment if applicable) with numbered measures. Scores without numbered measures will not be considered.

Step One: Submit Your Competition Application

  • All participants must first submit a competition application and pay the $45 application fee by Thursday, December 15 at 11:59PM.
  • All participants must confirm at the time of the initial application that if selected for the Honors Recital, they guarantee their availability on Sunday, March 19 at 1PM or 3PM.

Discounted Application Fee is available for currently enrolled MCAA private lesson students.
Please refer to Academy Competition emails or contact [email protected] for the discount code.

Step Two: Submit Your Audition Video

  • After completing the competition application, you will receive an email from the Academy ([email protected]) with a link to the Audition Video Submission Form. All video submissions must be uploaded by Friday, January 20 at 11:59PM to be eligible for consideration.
  • At this stage, there will be an option to select to receive comments only on your submission. Select this option if you DO NOT wish to be considered for participation in the Competition Honors Recital.

Results and Feedback

  • Adjudicator feedback will be provided to all applicants by the end of February.
  • Participants selected to perform on the Competition Honors Recital on Sunday, March 19 will also be notified by the end of February. At this time, participants will receive a link to register for the recital and pay the $50 recital fee.