Summer 2025 Registration Opens in January!
Enrich and enhance your Orff and/or Kodály experience and discover emerging techniques/methods with music pedagogy field experts. These courses will help you to expand your knowledge and invigorate your teaching methods. Supplementals may be taken for graduate-level course credit or non-credit and are eligible for teacher Recertification Points in many school systems. Please check with your county/district for verification.
Attention: For-Credit Registrations are managed by the Continuing and Professional Education office at George Mason University. When you find the course(s) you are registering for please follow these steps:
- Click the “Register for Credit” button to register.
- On the right side of the page, you will see the details of the course including dates, times, and course fees. Click the green “Add to Cart” button.
- Doublecheck the in-state or out-of-state fee selection, and then “Checkout” at the top of the page. This will then prompt you to make an account through the online portal. Please choose “I am a new user or I have an inquiry” and enter your email address and “Create Account.”
- Please fill out all data required and then “Continue Checkout.”
- You will then be prompted to complete your payment option.
- Once payment is received, you will get an enrollment and payment receipt.
- Be sure to check our policies and procedures regarding withdrawals, refunds, and more for summer programs.
- All students will receive a Welcome Letter via email at least 1 week before the program starts with all necessary details including drop off, pick up, what to bring, etc. Feel free to contact the Academy office with questions at