Mason Community Arts Academy
Announcements Music

Staff Feature: Morgan Johnson

Please join us in welcoming our newest staff member Morgan Johnson, who is taking on the very important role of Private Lesson Coordinator. Juggling teacher schedules, student/ parent schedules and lesson room spaces for over 200 lessons a week is an art in itself, and one in which Morgan’s background and experience has well prepared her to tackle. Faculty Coordinator Claire Allen posed a few questions to Morgan to help us get to know her better.


CAllen: What first drew you to Potomac Arts Academy?
MJohnson: What drew me to Potomac most was the job itself and the environment. I really enjoy being on the operations and management side of music and arts. I also began to miss being in an education-focused setting. So with Potomac being an arts academy and also being part of Mason, I was sold!


CAllen: Where did you work before coming to the Academy?
MJohnson: Before coming to Potomac, I managed a recording studio in Washington, D.C. called Listen Vision Studios. I was responsible for day-to-day operations for the company’s 3 recording studios, visuals department and online radio station, Listen Vision Live. I worked there for 4 years and acquired so much knowledge and experience in business, customer service and the music industry.


CAllen: How did you first fall in love with music?
MJohnson: My grandmother is a vocalist, so whenever she would come to visit from Michigan, we’d always sing around the house together. When trying to keep up with her, I would at times lose my way and she’d say “Merrrgan, you are not in good voice, my dear.” That was when I first fell in love with music and the beauty of the voice.


CAllen: Tell us about an arts experience you’ve had that was particularly memorable.
MJohnson: My senior year in high school, our music and theater department put on “Little Shop of Horrors,” and I was cast as Ronette, the alto of the show’s infamous female trio. When reading the script early on, I became very excited about a particular scene in the end of the show where Ronette had a solo that would allow me to belt out to the heavens! But at some point during rehearsals, our Director chose to change the script and give the solo to the Soprano II of both trios (the show had two casts). Long story short, I convinced our music director to convince our show director to hold auditions for “my” solo, LOL. Let’s just say I ended up belting out to the heavens during that audition and for the actual show!


CAllen: What are you most looking forward to about working at the Academy?
MJohnson: I am mostly looking forward to meeting and networking with amazing musicians and watching our students grow in their musicianship. I also look forward to being able to contribute to the Academy’s future growth and advancements.


CAllen: Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about them. If not, tell us the type of pet you would like to have.
MJohnson: I don’t have any pets at the moment, but my childhood dog was a Boxer named Cinnamon. She was the best dog ever. She was tan colored with a white stripe down her chest. She was always excited and happy to meet anyone. She loved to eat pretty much anything, but her eyes would especially light up for peanut butter. Our office dog, Roxy, reminds me of her. Especially since they both love to nap in the sun!


Thanks Morgan, and as they say: Welcome to the show!