
Faculty Feature: Taylor Henninger

Taylor Henninger joined the faculty of Potomac Arts Academy in summer 2016 as a Piano Instructor. In addition to building a private teaching studio, he also works as a collaborative pianist for recitals and summer programs. Faculty Coordinator Claire Allen had a conversation with Taylor to learn more about him.


CAllen: What first made you fall in love with music?

THenninger: I first fell in love with music when I heard the music of Chopin, at about the age of 13 or 14. I wanted to learn how to play almost everything he wrote, and of course from there I branched out to other composers. Sometimes I wish I had been more familiar with the great piano works at a younger age — I think it would have inspired me to practice more!


CAllen: Tell me about a memorable teaching experience you’ve had.

THenninger: Some of the things that have stuck with me over the years teaching are the memorable recital performances by my students. I had a student play a Chopin Nocturne last year in recital that was so musical — I am inspired by my students all the time.


CAllen: What are some unique things you do when you teach?

THenninger: One thing I have noticed that students are not used to when they come to study with me is that I ask them to start playing from various points in the music. I had a student one time start from a certain measure and she said “I don’t do that. I can only go from the beginning.” I think it is really telling if a student can only start from the beginning of the whole piece!




CAllen: Do you have any pets? Or, what pets would you like to have if you could?

THenninger: I do not have any pets — if I were to have a pet I could probably have either a cat or a dog. Cats seem low maintenance compared to dogs, but on the other hand I also like going for walks so a dog would be fun.