MCAA guitar teacher, Glen McCarthy was generous enough to include Instruments in the Attic (IiA) on his vacation to Sandals, Jamaica over winter break. Before his trip, Mr. McCarthy came to Instruments in the Attic Coordinator, Samantha Clarke, seeking a trumpet to bring with him. He explained that the Sandals Foundation was in need of a trumpet, and that he would love to bring it there on behalf of Instruments in the Attic.
This is not the first time that Mr. McCarthy donated an instrument on IiA’s behalf. Not only has he brought other instruments to the Sandals Foundation as a part of his travels, but Mr. McCarthy regularly facilitates donations to school music programs throughout the Northern Virginia area. Mr. McCarthy is always generously lending his time to IiA by assessing and repairing guitars and helping to match instruments with students and teachers in need. Mr. McCarthy is such an asset to Instruments in the Attic, The Academy, and our greater community, and we are so fortunate to have him here at MCAA!